Serializing HTML

Copy paste from HTML to Slate.

'use client';

import React from 'react';

import { Plate } from '@udecode/plate-common/react';

import { editorPlugins } from '@/components/editor/plugins/editor-plugins';
import { useCreateEditor } from '@/components/editor/use-create-editor';
import { Editor, EditorContainer } from '@/components/plate-ui/editor';

import { DEMO_VALUES } from './values/demo-values';

export default function Demo({ id }: { id: string }) {
  const editor = useCreateEditor({
    plugins: [...editorPlugins],
    value: DEMO_VALUES[id],

  return (
    <Plate editor={editor}>
      <EditorContainer variant="demo">
        <Editor />

Many Plate plugins include HTML deserialization rules. These rules define how HTML elements and styles are mapped to Plate's node types and attributes.

HTML -> Slate


The editor.api.html.deserialize function allows you to convert HTML content into Slate value:

import { createPlateEditor } from '@udecode/plate-common/react';
const editor = createPlateEditor({
  plugins: [
    // all plugins that you want to deserialize
editor.children = editor.api.html.deserialize('<p>Hello, world!</p>')

Plugin Deserialization Rules

Here's a comprehensive list of plugins that support HTML deserialization, along with their corresponding HTML elements and styles:

Text Formatting

  • BoldPlugin: <strong>, <b>, or style="font-weight: 600|700|bold"
  • ItalicPlugin: <em>, <i>, or style="font-style: italic"
  • UnderlinePlugin: <u> or style="text-decoration: underline"
  • StrikethroughPlugin: <s>, <del>, <strike>, or style="text-decoration: line-through"
  • SubscriptPlugin: <sub> or style="vertical-align: sub"
  • SuperscriptPlugin: <sup> or style="vertical-align: super"
  • CodePlugin: <code> or style="font-family: Consolas" (not within a <pre> tag)
  • KbdPlugin: <kbd>

Paragraphs and Headings

  • ParagraphPlugin: <p>
  • HeadingPlugin: <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>


  • ListPlugin:
    • Unordered List: <ul>
    • Ordered List: <ol>
    • List Item: <li>
  • IndentListPlugin:
    • List Item: <li>
    • Parses aria-level attribute for indentation


  • BlockquotePlugin: <blockquote>
  • CodeBlockPlugin:
    • Deserializes <pre> elements
    • Deserializes <p> elements with fontFamily: 'Consolas' style
    • Splits content into code lines
    • Preserves language information if available
  • HorizontalRulePlugin: <hr>
  • LinkPlugin: <a>
  • ImagePlugin: <img>
  • MediaEmbedPlugin: <iframe>


  • TablePlugin:
    • Table: <table>
    • Table Row: <tr>
    • Table Cell: <td>
    • Table Header Cell: <th>

Text Styling

  • FontBackgroundColorPlugin: style="background-color: *"
  • FontColorPlugin: style="color: *"
  • FontFamilyPlugin: style="font-family: *"
  • FontSizePlugin: style="font-size: *"
  • FontWeightPlugin: style="font-weight: *"
  • HighlightPlugin: <mark>

Layout and Formatting

  • AlignPlugin: style="text-align: *"
  • LineHeightPlugin: style="line-height: *"

Deserialization Properties

Plugins can define various properties to control HTML deserialization:

  • parse: A function to parse an HTML element into a Plate node
  • query: A function that determines if the deserializer should be applied
  • rules: An array of rule objects that define valid HTML elements and attributes
  • isElement: Indicates if the plugin deserializes elements
  • isLeaf: Indicates if the plugin deserializes leaf nodes
  • attributeNames: List of HTML attribute names to store in node.attributes
  • withoutChildren: Excludes child nodes from deserialization
  • rules: Array of rule objects for element matching
    • validAttribute: Valid element attributes
    • validClassName: Valid CSS class name
    • validNodeName: Valid HTML tag names
    • validStyle: Valid CSS styles

Extending Deserialization

You can extend or customize the deserialization behavior of any plugin. Here's an example of how you might extend the CodeBlockPlugin:

import { CodeBlockPlugin } from '@udecode/plate-code-block/react';
const CustomCodeBlockPlugin = CodeBlockPlugin.extend({
  parsers: {
    html: {
      deserializer: {
        parse: ({ element }) => {
          const language = element.getAttribute('data-language');
          const textContent = element.textContent || '';
          const lines = textContent.split('\n');
          return {
            type: CodeBlockPlugin.key,
            children: => ({
              type: CodeLinePlugin.key,
              children: [{ text: line }],
        rules: [
          { validAttribute: 'data-language' },

This customization adds support for a data-language attribute in code block deserialization and preserves the language information.

Advanced Deserialization Example

The IndentListPlugin provides a more complex deserialization process:

  1. It transforms HTML list structures into indented paragraphs.
  2. It handles nested lists by preserving the indentation level.
  3. It uses the aria-level attribute to determine the indentation level.

Here's a simplified version of its deserialization logic:

export const IndentListPlugin = createTSlatePlugin<IndentListConfig>({
  // ... other configurations ...
  parsers: {
    html: {
      deserializer: {
        isElement: true,
        parse: ({ editor, element, getOptions }) => ({
          indent: Number(element.getAttribute('aria-level')),
          type: editor.getType(ParagraphPlugin),
        rules: [
            validNodeName: 'LI',



Deserialize HTML string into Slate value.


    options.element HTMLElement | string

    The HTML element or string to deserialize.

    options.collapseWhiteSpace optional boolean

    Flag to enable or disable the removal of whitespace from the serialized HTML.

    • Default: true (Whitespace will be removed.)


Collapse all

    The deserialized Slate value.

Slate -> React -> HTML


npm install @udecode/plate-html


// ...
import { HtmlReactPlugin } from '@udecode/plate-html/react';
import { DndProvider } from 'react-dnd';
import { HTML5Backend } from 'react-dnd-html5-backend';
const editor = createPlateEditor({ 
  plugins: [
    // all plugins that you want to serialize
  override: {
    // do not forget to add your custom components, otherwise it won't work
    components: createPlateUI(),
const html = editor.api.htmlReact.serialize({
  nodes: editor.children,
  // if you use @udecode/plate-dnd
  dndWrapper: (props) => <DndProvider backend={HTML5Backend} {...props} />,



Convert Slate Nodes into HTML string.


Collapse all

    Options to control the HTML serialization process.


Collapse all

    A HTML string representing the Slate nodes.